星期三, 6月 18, 2008


相信有用rxvt 的人有經驗..有時候不小心碰到ctrl+shift 就跑出黃色小框框...
man 裡面是這樣寫的...
Apart from that, rxvt-unicode is also much better internationalised than its
predecessor, supports things such as XFT and ISO 14755 that are handy in
i18n-environments, is faster, and has a lot bugs less than the original rxvt.
This all in addition to dozens of other small improvements.

well.. 對我來說.. 這實在是很煩人的功能 :(
所以抓了source 來compile..

mkdir urxvt && cd urxvt
apt-get source rxvt-unicode
cd rxvt-unicode-* && cd debian
vim rules
找到 --enable-iso14755 (萬惡的根源?)
改成 --disable-iso14755, 存檔關閉

cd .. && sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
就開始做 deb 了, 不過執行這項動作你可能需要安裝一些額外的套件
以我為例, 需要 debhelper, libxpm-dev, autotools-dev, quilt, chrpath, fakeroot
(sudo apt-get install debhelper, libxpm-dev, autotools-dev, quilt, chrpath, fakeroot )

.deb 建好以後就可以 dpkg -i rxvt-unicode-ml_8.4-1_i386.deb 安裝囉
