有gui 的 tool 可以直接設定, 如果不想用的話可以使用ntpdate
台灣官方的校時server: time.stdtime.gov.tw
sudo ntpdate time.stdtime.gov.tw #校時若想要手動調整時間可以使用 date
sudo hwclock -w #寫入bios
date -s 10:10:00
We learn and do, and when we do, we learn.
sudo ntpdate time.stdtime.gov.tw #校時若想要手動調整時間可以使用 date
sudo hwclock -w #寫入bios
date -s 10:10:00
mkfifo ~/.mplayer/pipe #做個named pipe 給mplayer 讀
mplayer -slave -idle -input file=~/.mplayer/pipe
Control Next :ExecCommand echo "pt_step 1" > ~/.mplayer/pipe
Control Prior :ExecCommand echo "pt_step -1" > ~/.mplayer/pipe
Control KP_Add :ExecCommand echo "volume +1" > ~/.mplayer/pipe
Control KP_Subtract :ExecCommand echo "volume -1" > ~/.mplayer/pipe
Control KP_0 :ExecCommand echo "pause" > ~/.mplayer/pipe
echo "loadlist ~/music/xxxxx" > ~/.mplayer/pipe
Now I have a simple but cool "Fluxbox-Player".
Apart from that, rxvt-unicode is also much better internationalised than its
predecessor, supports things such as XFT and ISO 14755 that are handy in
i18n-environments, is faster, and has a lot bugs less than the original rxvt.
This all in addition to dozens of other small improvements.